Embrace your talents, boost your self-confidence and discover the very best tools and techniques to make your business profitable in a way that suits you with this 6 month online program for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs who want to achieve better business results with less effort, while having more focus, more fun and more energy!
Effortlessly Run A Soul-Aligned Business!
This is for you if you already love & accept yourself unconditionally and you just want to learn how you can use your talents and gifts, like empathy and intuition, to your advantage within your business.
If not, then please check out my other program The SoulPreneur Success System, that will help you to lay a strong foundation to build your business on.
Are you ready to create a lifestyle friendly business for yourself, that takes into account your true nature and that suits your unique needs? Do you want to learn how you can use your gifts as a business advantage and do you also want to learn how you can use your intuition to attract more ideal clients, grow your business and become financially free?
You will learn how to stay focused, how to increase your concentration and how to work in a structured way and make a good planning that you can stick to. This will give you laser focus, a clear perspective on your goals and a step-by-step action plan to achieve those goals.
Topics include:
- Focus & Concentration
- How to stay Focussed
- Focus & Distractions
- Focus Techniques
- Focus & Productivity
- The 5 Second Rule
- Focus & Planning
- Focus & Structure
- Vision Boards
Tools: The Boost Concentration Plan, The Eliminate Distractions Protocol, The 5 Second Rule, The Pomodoro Technique, The From Chaos to Focus Map
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You will learn to create an abundance mindset, how to raise your vibration and how the laws of the universe will work for you. You will also discover your abundance blocks and transform them. This way you will be able to manifest what you want and have a lifestyle friendly business with lots of freedom.
Topics include:
- Abundance Mindset
- Abundance Blocks
- The Laws of the Universe
- The 7 Rules of Life
- Manifesting What You Want
- Multiply Your Money
- Affirmations
- Vibrational Frequencies
- EFT Money Scripts
Tools: The LAWS of the Universe, The Money Mindset Protocol, The Manifesting Toolkit, The Vibration Technique, The Abundance Blocks Map
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You will learn how to keep yourself in flow throughout the day ( with some great tools) and how to transform stress into momentum. You will also learn about being in the zone and going with the flow. The results are infallible flow throughout the day, less stress and less anxiety for more focus and better results.
Topics include:
- Flow on a Daily Basis
- Turn Stress into Momentum
- Getting in the Zone
- Aligning with your Purpose
- Finding Your Flow
- Success Techniques
- Entering a State of Flow
- Nightime Flow
- Going with the Flow
Tools: The Daily Flow System, consisting of:
The Start Right Morning Toolkit, The Evening Reflection Toolkit, The Daytime Momentum Protocol
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You will learn who your ideal client is, what they like and where you can find them. You will also learn how to tell your story in a compelling way and how to turn your servcice into a product. This will attract more clients, earn you more money and make your company scalable.
Topics include:
- Value of your Work
- Your Uniqueness
- Your Personal Story
- Your Message
- Ideal Client Analysis
- Ideal Client Avatar
- Turn Service into Product
- Framing Your Offer
- Pricing Strategies
Tools: The Value Of Your Work Map, The Ideal Client Avatar, The Magic Message Framework, The Amazing Offer Toolkit, The Pricing Strategy
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You will learn how to develop a marketing plan and strategy that reflects who you are, to reach your target market within your niche. You will also deliver your clients a promise regarding the value you give them. This will increase your sense of control & direction and get you more ideal clients.
Topics include:
- Find your Target Market
- Find your Niche
- The Value Proposition
- Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Core Values
- Brand Purpose
- Marketing Plan, Strategy & System
- Marketing & Intuition
Tools: Marketing Plan Protocol, Mission & Vision Map, The Target Market Analysis, The Value Proposition Template, The Intuitive Marketing Tools
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You will learn how to sell your product/service in an authentic way, from the heart, in line with your sensitivity and with the use of your intuition. This will give you higher closing rates, better sales conversations, more clients and ultimatly more money and more freedom.
Topics include:
- A good Sales Pitch
- Sales Preperation Phase
- The Intention Declaration
- Making Rapport with the Prospect
- Client Needs Analysis
- Necessary Sales Skills
- Effective Sales Conversations
- Handling Objections
- Closing Techniques
Tools: The Intention Declaration, The Acquisition Strategies Protocol, The Sales Conversation Toolkit, The Handling Objections Strategy, The Closing Techniques
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I am absolutely certain that these programs are worth every Euro of your investment and every minute of your time.
When you're all in and implement what you learn, your business and you will benefit greatly.
To make your decision to sign up even easier, though, I promise you this too:
If you listened to all the lessons, did all the exercises, made all the homework, asked me all your questions in the closed Facebook group, and this program still didn't bring you what you need, I will happily refund you the money you paid. No questions asked.
"The program offered me so much more then I could have imagined. I learned to separate my emotions from the emotions of others. I also learned how to concentrate my energy, get a laser focus. This helped me to achieve better results and allowed me to find myself and connect with myself for the first time in my life! “
"This training is super clear, fun and educational! So many things fall into place! I am really getting to know my own user manual and that is soooo valuable to me :) I know now what my limits are and I know how to guard my boundaries. I stick up for myself and that makes me so proud!"
"I learned to see the beautiful sides of being a highly sensitive person and to use those qualities as strengths within my business. I also know now what my dreams and goals are and how I can add focus en structure to my business to make my dreams come true and to achieve my goals. I can confidently say "No" now, without feeling bad about it. Wow what a difference that makes!!"
Intuitive Business Success is a kick-ass 6 month step by step online program designed to help Highly Sensitive, Empath and/or Spiritual Entrepreneurs use their sensitivity, intuition & empathy as their Business Super Powers so they achieve better business results with less effort, while having more fun & more energy.
IBS is perfect for the Soulful Entrepreneur who already knows everything about their sensitivity and who is no longer experiencing the downsides, but instead embraced it fully and is now ready to learn proven strategies and methods to use that sensitivity and their intuition to create a life style friendly business that makes them happy and gives them energy.
Here are some of the benefits of IBS:
* Use Sensitivity & Intuition as Business Super Power
* More Confidence & Fun
* More Happiness & Energy
* Better Business Results
* Turn stress into Momentum
* Attract What You Want in Life & Business
* Remove Blocks that are Holding you Back
And if that is not enough, here are some more:
* Clear Perspective on your Mission /Dream/Goals and How to Achieve Them
* Laser Focus & Structured Work Method
* Infallible Flow Throughout Your Day
* Higher Closing Rate & Better Sales Conversations
* More Clients -> More Money -> Higher Profits -> Financial Freedom
You can try to figure it all out on your own and spend thousands upon thousands on books, coaching and training.
I have charged 5.000 euros to teach this and could not keep up.
But what are you going to pay?
Not 10.000 euros.
Not 5.000 euros.
What I should have done is charged 3000 euros but even that I did not do.
Entire basic system: 147 euro per month for 12 months. This means you can start today with creating the business you always dreamed about for just 147 euros!
You can save money by choosing the pay everything at once, look for the options above.
It is also possible to combine the basic version with live days, Q&A sessions and breakthrough sessions. Look at the Plus or the VIP versions if you are interested in getting even more out of the online program.
Yes there is :)
100% Sattisfaction Guaranteed!
I am absolutely certain that these programs are worth every Euro of your investment and every minute of your time.
When you're all in and implement what you learn, your business and you will benefit greatly.
To make your decision to sign up even easier, though, I promise you this too:
If you listened to all the lessons, did all the exercises, made all the homework, asked me all your questions in the closed Facebook group, and these programs still didn't bring you what you need, I will happily refund you the money you paid. No questions asked.
However, you will be required to turn in all of your homework, notes and exercises to me within 30 days of purchasing the program.
If you choose the Basic version you can get additional support through the closed facebook group. Barbera will be there to answer your questions, as will other members who are following or have followed the program.
If you choose the Plus version, you get a 30 minute phone call to start you off right. You will also get 2 weekly Q&A sessions in which you can ask me all your questions and there will be 1 live day in which we can meet and work in a group with other HSE's to practise and learn from eachother.
If you choose the VIP version, you get a 30 minute phone call to start you off right. You will also get weekly Q&A sessions in which you can ask me all your questions and there will be 2 live days for high achievers who want to get the most out of themselves, the program and who only want the best for their business. As a bonus you will also receive a 1 on 1 coaching session with Barbera.
You can try my Online Business Program risk free to see if it is a good fit for you. During the first 30 days you have a 100% Money Back Guarantee! Just email me all of your homework, notes and exercises within 30 days of purchasing the program and I will refund you all the money. No questions asked.